Our Programs

Our programs, services and supports help create a brighter future for people with Down syndrome.

At Down Syndrome NSW Employment Connections, we aim to facilitate meaningful and sustainable employment opportunities for adults with Down syndrome, allowing them to lead fulfilling lives and make significant contributions in the workplace.

By partnering with employers and workplaces, we envision a future where diversity is celebrated, and every individual is given equal opportunities to succeed

For Jobseekers

Employment Connections is all about helping you discover the industry and work environment that best suits your skills, interests, and personality. If you're a person with Down Syndrome eager to explore different career paths and find the right fit, we'd love to hear from you!


For Employers

People with Down syndrome want to work for the same reasons as everyone else – to be independent, contribute to society, earn their own money, connect with peers and feel valued.

While people with Down syndrome have some level of intellectual impairment, each person is an individual bringing their own strengths, skills and qualities to the job.

If you are and employer interested in providing meaningful and sustainable employment to a person with Down syndrome, we can assist you with professional assistance and support program for employers committed to employing people with Down syndrome.


Employment Connections

Ellen's Story

Down syndrome NSW new south wales employment

Andrew's Story

Down syndrome NSW new south wales employment australia

Ann and Andrew's Story

Down syndrome NSW new south wales employment

Ellen's Story

Adam's Story



Read more about how you can make a difference as a volunteer at Down Syndrome NSW.


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Our programs and services depend greatly on the generosity of the community. We are deeply grateful to individuals, businesses, bequestors, grants, trusts, and foundations for their support. If you would like to help sustain these vital programs, please click the button below.