Media Release

19 Jun 2024

Down Syndrome NSW Welcomes NSW Budget

In what is coined as a “must have” budget as opposed to a “nice to have” budget, Down Syndrome NSW welcomes the array of measures aimed at relieving cost of living pressures as well as critically needed investments in housing.

The $3.6 billion deficit NSW Budget announced last night earmarks $7.1 million to respond to the recommendations of the Disability Royal Commission as well as lead the state’s reform agenda in response to the NDIS Review and associated legislative changes.

“In the current cost of living crisis, we know that people with disability and carers face particularly hard circumstances so we welcome measures aimed at easing these pressures for all and advocate that people with disability are prioritised across the investments announced - specifically in foster care, housing, bulk billing, access to regional healthcare and transport”

“The newly established Disability Response Taskforce is equally welcomed, recognising that in order to get the significant quantum of reforms right, investment is needed. We look forward to being actively involved, ensuring that people with disability are equal partners at every stage from codesign through to implementation and evaluation. The voice of state peak advocacy organisations is so critical in this priority at both the national and state levels and we look forward to having a seat at the table.”

Down Syndrome NSW is the recognised, trusted peak body for people with Down syndrome and intellectual disability and their families in NSW, with over 40 years expertise.

We look forward to continuing to work with the NSW Government to ensure that people with Down syndrome and intellectual disability are valued, active citizens within their thriving, diverse and inclusive communities.